Sunday, April 5, 2009

Not so Fool-Proof :-/

Just when I got to thinking that the 1st of April went without any "mishaps", I was proved wrong. 4 of us (2 high, 2 sober) were peacefully sitting in a restaurant in Vasco and one of us(X) gets a call from a friend(Y) in College. X answers the call, face growing tensed by the minute, tells us that Y and another friend got caught (and disco-ed) at the gate and that the 'mascot of vodafone' was at the gate checking and at least 15 people were caught. All of us get very worried and wonder how to make it in safely. None of us realised that it was April 1st and this would make the perfect prank! We come back to find nothing, and only later did we realise the whole plot :-/. The first time that I was on the falling-for-a-prank side (as far as I can remember).
Hope y'all fell into/devised some pranks that were successful!


smilingassassin said...

haha... u r telling me u have never been fooled ever on april 1st... my foot! what r u? sherlock holmes???

few words were well worded..especially hutch :D

for people like me who get fooled quite often april 1st does not really make sense.. :P hehe

tho it sucks to know u have been fooled.. luking back at them its gr8 fun! so april 1st \m/..

P.S oh mine went uneventful btw cus i was extremely on guard!!! hehe

Oink said...

loll !
Extremely uneventful and boring april fool's day for me :(
And i couldn't come up with any original prank either :|

misterbutler said...

i fooled some1 :P but nt tellin hu as dat person mite read dis blog..

and ya.. den i felt sry n atoned for it :)

Oink said...

Rule no. 1 for aprille fools day:
Don't atone for ur prank

RaSh said...

that was something ANYONE would've believed. :P

I got fooled by my parents. What could be worse! :D

Vidya said...

@Ashwin- am not sherlock holmes ,jus that i am under the influence of unagi :P (its not something that you have, its something that you are- is that what he says?)

@Oink- tata birla is weird!

@Butler- lol i can imagine who(?)

@rash- yeah, i suppose so. and, fooled by parents how may i ask? :P

Prachi Bansal said...

hehhe.. nice one.. but yeah...i agree with rash.. given the circumstances at that time... anyone cud have been fooled by that..
for my part, totally uneventful day!

Full Of Life said...

Cha..wish I was a part of it!
No pranks for me too :(

Full Of Life said...

N bhery bhery saary for the late comments :P