Friday, May 30, 2008

Make new friends
but keep the old.
One is silver
the other gold.

Mim, from The Guy Next Door

I dunno why i got reminded of that now.
Change is good, but how good is the question.
I've already blogged about how things have changed so much. Nothing is gonna be the same again. The people, the circle of friends, the hanging out part, the classes you attend and the people that you attend with, nothing.
Somehow at this point of time it just doesn't seen right, Birla uncle take away one entire year from the college life that we can have. Early goodbyes, work, money, project, intern is what these holidays have been about. It's not the just-lazing-around holidays. When do you have ps? Where are you planning to stay? What company? How much does it pay? When'll you come to Bangalore (or Goa)? Ah, I just wanna not go through all this a year before it actually should happen. Anyway, I just wanted my mind off this thing for a while so the post :) . For those of you who are going for ps, good luck and for the rest of you, enjoy the last (or the 2nd last) sem in college :)

Auf Wiedersehen!

P.S.- This will probably be my last post before ps. One or two of those stupid questions in my head might come up :P

P.P.S- I love that book ! :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Toothpaste theory

Are you like "what the hell!!" ?
What do you think it might be?
How close do you think you can come to the actual theory? :P
Well, tell me what you think it might be, i'll make gow post abt the whole thing (it's her theory!:))


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Err what?! :O

Few shocking things i've seen on tv in the recent past-
On some mtv programme on being asked who wrote the national song- the girl replied Subhash Chandra Bose. thats not all, she dint seem embarrassed or anything on saying something as foolish as that! What do these ppl learn in school?
More famous mtv roadies - qsn- whos the president of India? How can a person not know the president of his/her own country?
Answers that came up- Manmohan Singh, APJ Abdul Kalam, Sushma (I know its a lady but dunno the name.. i mean how on earth!).
Channel V Iq- people couldn't identify Pratibha Patil but most ppl could identify Esha Deol.. Tch tch
If this is the literate population of the country, we seriously are in grave danger! :-\
Oh this is something worse (happened in the US, pheww)- On the show beauty and the geek when someone was asked when the next presidential election is gonna be held, someone said 2006!!!!!


alien kid?

whos this alien kid oink keeps talking about?
is there some hidden code that we are supposed to decipher?
does it refer to oink/any of us in the next birth? :P
am i the only person who didn't understand what he's trying to say?
is everyone else pretending to understand just cuz they dont wanna make a fool of themselves? :-\
too much star wars effect or something?

R2-D2 :P

mind block?

has it ever happened that you cant think at all?
even if you wanted to real bad ..
oh during an exam, your mind just goes blank and all you can remember is that it comes on this part of so and so page but nothing relevant to the answer comes to your head!?
ah this mind block(as i call it) also happens when you want something to happen so desperately and it doesnt! (you all know what i'm talking abt :-\) and this post which comes as a result of all that!

Remote Control

Such a fascinating thing!
how did people change channels on tv before it was discovered?
was it discovered before the tv itself?
one day the remote control stops working, no one even bothers watching tv that day! at least i wont! :P
if the remote control stops working do you people watch the same channel all day or do you have the patience to go change it on the tv? or how does the whole thing work out? :P


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A blog addict ?

Who is a blog addict?
1) someone who blogs lots?
2) person who reads others(known, unknown ppl) blogs
3) one who creates new blogs for timepass?
4) all of the above
5) other, specify

Saturday, May 3, 2008

gg cOmPRE

another compre, same story.
i'm not the kinda person who aces compre or even does remotely well. its screwing-up-big-time time for me and i must say i've gotten used to it. exams doesnt seem of any importance anymore for dunno-what reason!
2nd exam today, opre. oh my gawd! amazes me to see myself forgetting simplest of things at the spur of the moment and screwing up any paper given to me.
ah 4 more exams to go and im outta this campus for a good six months. need the break more than anything else now. well, dont think anyone's gonna read this anytime soon, wont be relevant later but what the hell i'll just post it.