Saturday, May 3, 2008

gg cOmPRE

another compre, same story.
i'm not the kinda person who aces compre or even does remotely well. its screwing-up-big-time time for me and i must say i've gotten used to it. exams doesnt seem of any importance anymore for dunno-what reason!
2nd exam today, opre. oh my gawd! amazes me to see myself forgetting simplest of things at the spur of the moment and screwing up any paper given to me.
ah 4 more exams to go and im outta this campus for a good six months. need the break more than anything else now. well, dont think anyone's gonna read this anytime soon, wont be relevant later but what the hell i'll just post it.


fiddlesticks said...

lol topic! :B and the worsht is yet to come - hail numal!! ;) thinking as far ahead as life-post-exams giving me a headache now.. one thing at a time.. phew. good luck with the rest of 'em.. last proper compres we'll be writing, yo!

why_not_socks said...

I dont have a comment! But i just wanted to fill the space up. Opre is over :-| .... but the crappiness doesnt end here in BITS Goa. We have more crap in queue. Good Luck with the next. I didnt make any sense ... but thats ok :D Thats what compres do to poeple

Full Of Life said...

TOTAL GG. I agree wholeheartedly with rip van..the WORRSSSHHHTTTT is up next :(. Yeah shit happens in life..and compres is just one of them. Yea last proper one with everyone around! So might as well enjoy em. :P

Oink said...

bleh. I read this after the compres.
btw opre's a nice subject :P

Vidya said...

my foot nice! i hated it.. phodu oink!

Oink said...

blog already !!

Full Of Life said...

for once, im on a reading spree. So blog. :|

codename_047 said...

abey giz.. post a better topic na... nyway my tak on compres is also similar.. i hate it... bcos thy hardly test u on the subject... it more or less always boils down to a memory test ... if u kn 1 formula 10 marks nd so on.. so if u kn 10 formulae 100 marks nd 20 marks proofs.... thuest.... FOR ONCE I WANT TO WRITE A PAPER IN WHICH I AM MADE TO THINK... nd this is pashu by the way..